Our beloved ‘Good Times’ aired on CBS from 1974 to 1979. The show was created by Eric Monte and Mike Evans. Both men wanted to see accurate and positive images of black culture. The show was developed by Norman Lear.
Despite its strong ratings, developers insisted on questionable decisions of the content of the show. There were constant disagreements over the direction from the creators and several cast members. Eventually, the show ended in 1979.
In 1977, Eric Monte sued NBC, CBS, Norman Lear and others for the ownership of Good Times. He was blackballed from the industry for this. However, after a very difficult time, he accepted a settlement of $1 Million and both Eric Monte and Mike Evans were granted all Intellectual Property rights of Good Times.
Unfortunately, in December 2007, Mike Evans passed away. In November 2011, the WGA (Writers Guild of America) contacted Carlena Evans (daughter of Mike Evans) stating there were several companies interested in Good Times productions and merchandising. However, his intellectual property rights (obtained in 1978) were not claimed by a beneficiary. She immediately claimed her father’s rights and added it to his estate.
In 2012, Columbia Pictures (SONY) licensed these rights to produce a Good Times Movie. Ultimately, the movie was not produced.
In December 2019, the brand was licensed to Sony for the “Live in Front of a Studio Audience” show, which aired on NBC.
In January 2020, Sony CONTACTED EVANS to license merchandise, as they were anticipating an upcoming “Animation”. Both merchandise and animation requests were declined.
In December 2019, the brand was licensed to Sony for the “Live in Front of a Studio Audience” show, which aired on NBC.
In January 2020, Sony CONTACTED EVANS to license merchandise, as they were anticipating an upcoming “Animation”. Both merchandise and animation requests were declined.
In April 2024, an “Irreverent Reimagined” animation was released on Netflix. The show features immeasurable negative stereotypes of Black Americans. This content was not approved by the families of Mike Evans or Eric Monte.
As a response to this derogatory content, we are exercising our IP rights to create productions, content, and products that all fans of Good Times can be proud of. It is pressing today that we hold on to the true values of the show such as FAMILY, GRATITUTE, and LOVE.
Having all legal, documented rights to sell merchandise, we present to you the first and only OFFICIAL Good Times clothing line! This unisex brand is created to offer a renewed and nostalgic love for the brand, proudly paying homage to the show, its themes, and values.
Having all legal, documented rights to sell merchandise, we present to you the first and only OFFICIAL Good Times clothing line! This unisex brand is created to offer a renewed and nostalgic love for the brand, proudly paying homage to the show, its themes, and values.
we can work together on this! Good Times represents all of us who have learned lasting values from the show. We are families, professionals, and business owners all stiving daily to do what is right, despite our odds. Please share a photo of yourself and/or your families in Good Times merch, using #TheREALGOODTIMES! we must show the world what the REAL Good Times looks like so there is no further confusion. your posts Help us show deserved respect to the creators, writers, actors, and team of the beloved show!
Please support this and other upcoming official content released, as proceeds are going toward continuing the legacy as Mike Evans and Eric Monte meant for it to be shared!
Please support this and other upcoming official content released, as proceeds are going toward continuing the legacy as Mike Evans and Eric Monte meant for it to be shared!
Mr. John Amos (James Evans)
Mr. Norman Lear (Producer/Developer)
Ms. Ja’Net DeBois (Willona Woods)
Mr. Johnny Brown (Nathan Bookman)
Ms. Ester Rolle (Florida Evans)
Mr. Michael Evans (Co-Creator/Writer)
Mr. Norman Lear (Producer/Developer)
Ms. Ja’Net DeBois (Willona Woods)
Mr. Johnny Brown (Nathan Bookman)
Ms. Ester Rolle (Florida Evans)
Mr. Michael Evans (Co-Creator/Writer)